
The capacity of the hall is dependent on the type of use and, for example, whether people will be mainly sitting in rows in a theatre-type layout or sitting around tables, and whether the stage and / or the stage extension units are to be used.  If access to the kitchen hatch and / or the bar is required this will have an impact on capacity, and this will also be the case if an area is to be kept clear for a dancefloor or bouncy castle, for example.  It is also important to keep entrance and exit routes clear and all these factors affect the effective capacity.  With these and other considerations in mind, the following general guidelines should be noted:  

  • We have 140 upholstered chairs and this is the effective capacity for use in a theatre-type layout. 
  • If people are to be seated around tables, with space to move round and to access the serving hatch(es), the hall can accommodate 100 people reasonably comfortably.   This can be stretched a little in certain circumstances by, for example, using the stage as well as the hall floor area.
  • If a hirer intends to make use of the outside patio area the capacity can be adjusted as appropriate, but please make sure there is a back-up plan in the event of bad weather.  
  • For events where most people are likely to be standing (e.g. jumble sales) the hall is able to accommodate a higher capacity, but in such cases it is crucial to ensure that access routes and fire exits are kept clear. 
  • The above considerations apply primarily to the main hall.  Depending on the type of event it may be possible to extend the capacity somewhat by also using the Nell Pennell (meeting) room and/or the green room behind the stage. 
  • Hirers should also keep COVID security in mind when considering capacity.  
  • Please contact us if you have a query about capacity.